Monday, 9 September 2019

nested dictionaries

Accessing Mixed dictionaries
students = {1: {'name': 'Ravi', 'age': '27', 'sex': 'Male'},
          2: {'name': 'Sita', 'age': '22', 'sex': 'Female'}}


 How to change or add elements in a nested dictionary?
students = {1: {'name': 'Ravi', 'age': '27', 'sex': 'Male'},
          2: {'name': 'Sita', 'age': '22', 'sex': 'Female'}}

students [3] = {}

students [3]['name'] = 'ram'
students [3]['age'] = '24'
students [3]['sex'] = 'Female'
students [3]['married'] = 'No'

print(students [3])

How to delete elements from a nested dictionary?

students = {1: {'name': 'ravi', 'age': '27', 'sex': 'Male'},
          2: {'name': 'sita', 'age': '22', 'sex': 'Female'},
          3: {'name': 'ram', 'age': '24', 'sex': 'Male', 'married': 'No'},
          4: {'name': 'krishna', 'age': '29', 'sex': 'Male', 'married': 'Yes'}}

del student[3]['married']
del student[4]['married']

How to iterate through a Nested dictionary?
students = {1: {'Name': 'Ravi', 'Age': '27', 'Sex': 'Male'},
          2: {'Name': 'Sita', 'Age': '22', 'Sex': 'Female'}}

for p_id, p_info in students.items():
    print("\nStudents ID:", p_id)
    for key in p_info:
        print(key + ':', p_info[key])

Next topic: bytes data type
Previous topic:dictionary data type
 range data type

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