Monday, 24 June 2019

Membership Operators

Membership Operators:

>>> a="Hello Good morning!!"
>>> print("H" in a) #True
>>> print('h' in a) #False
>>> print('k' not in a) #True
>>> print('good' in a) #False
>>> print('Good' in a)#True
>>> print("Afternoon" in a) #False
>>> print(a in a) #True, this is not the right way as to be searched object should be in single/double quote
>>> print(b in a) #Error

Example 2:
>>> b=["Hyd","Kadapa","Vij",'Blore']
>>> type(b)
<class 'list'>
>>> print("Hyd" in b) #True
>>> print("Delhi" in b) #False
>>> print("Kur" not in b) #True

The membership operators are used to check whether the given object present in the given Collection (List, Tuple,String, Set or Dict.)

There are two membership operators are available:
not in

inàreturns True if the given object present in the specified collection
not inàit returns True if the given object not present in the specified collection.

Next topic: Bitwise Operators
Previous Topic: Special Operators

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